Tuesday, August 9, 2005

December 12, 2005
Just a note - if you ordered original art, please check your ebay feedback - if I've left you feedback, your order was shipped today. If I have NOT left you feedback, then I have not received payment from you yet, and your item will ship as soon as that occurs - thanks! I was reassured by the post office that all internation artwork should reach its destination before Christmas, for any international buyers that were concerned.
If you have made a paypal payment for artwork, and I have not left feedback for you, please contact me via Ebay - if you've mailed in a payment and you haven't been left feedback, I probably just haven't gotten it in the mail yet, and your artwork will ship as soon as I get it. Thanks guys!
Comic updates are on hold for the moment as I am currently in the process of relocating - I'm hoping to have everything moved over by this weekend. Thanks for your patience with the delays!
Warehouse 23 is now doing poster printing, and as a result they are now offering the 'Read' design in a gorgeous, full-color 11x17 poster on heavyweight paper. I just received my comps today and I couldn't be happier with them. You can access the Warehouse 23 store by clicking on the 'store' button, or by clicking on this link - go give it a look!
Old News:
That's all, folks. Thank you for reading!
If you're despondent over the lack of QoW, this news may cheer you - due to an overwhelmingly positive reader response, QoW will start again next Monday and re-run all the original strips, seven days a week, with commentary. That's right, if you so choose you'll get to read my babblings about what exactly went on with the strips, stuff that wasn't supposed to happen, ideas that were ditched, ideas that were never explored, the works. I realize it's not NEW strips, but I thought it would be fun to do while I work on putting out my next project. Speaking of the next project - I will be announcing it as soon as it's ready to go. Keep an eye on the website, or the LJ community, or the forum, as I'll be posting it all over the place once it's live.
For those looking for other strips to read, check out my links section, and also the Keenspot dropdown up in the corner has a ton of good reads on it as well.



Hi there! You are reading the Queen of Wands rapid-fire reruns, a seven-day a week run of QoW with commentary. Commentary on later strips will contain spoilers, so if you are a new reader and here for the first time, I suggest you take a trip to the beginning of the archives and give the comic a read-through spoiler-free before jumping into the commentary. |
Originally aired 07/23/03: When I did this comic it was both a 'oh let's talk about boys' slumber party moment and also in remembrance of staying over at a friend's house in high school - she and her parents were WAY into Star Trek TNG, to the point of having had a 'Star Trek Mystery' theme party night at their house, they had pictures from the event on their stairwell and it looked like it was probably a lot of fun. Anyway we'd watch endless hours of MTV and also Star Trek and Power Rangers (we had this ongoing in-joke about the Power Rangers) and we always had these fascinating conversations about Star Trek, particularly Data and Wesley Crusher (not in the same sentence, no we were not and had never been into slash, EW GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER I CAN'T BELIEVE MINE IS THERE). Anyway, we always thought the character of Wesley Crusher was the world's biggest dork. The character, not the actor. So I did this comic, and uh...Mr. Wheaton got word of it. Needless to say Wil is definitely NOT a dork at all, he's a very cool guy who thought it was a cool comic and did not want to sue me (thankyouthankyouthankyou), continued reading my comic, and when I showed up at a book signing for one of his books (Just A Geek - really good, go get a copy for reals) I took the artwork of Kestrel from the last panel on down with me and gave it to him. I went yay over getting my book signed, he went yay over getting artwork, and the world was a happy place full of lollypops and rainbows. I'm sure there's a moral to this story but I'm not sure what it is exactly, it probably has something to do with actors not being the people that they are portraying, and more often than not being much cooler than said character they portray. THUS SPOKE ME. |
